

In this domain we use our own cookies and third-party to offer our services and collect statics information. If you continue surfing, we consider that you accept the installation and use  

What are cookies? 

A cookie is a file it downloads in your computer when you get into certain websites. Cookies allow to the website, among other things, store and recover information about the navigation habits from each user or computer and, depend the information that contains and the way of use his computer, can be use to recognize the user. 

The browser of the user memorizes cookies in the hard disk only during the actual session, it takes up a minimum space of memory and no damage the computer. Cookies don’t contain any type of specific personal information, and the majority it removes from the disk when the session is finalized.  

The highest part of browser accepts like standard the cookies and, with independence of these, in the configuration of security allow or prevent the cookies temporary or memorized.  

In function that what organization manage the domain from where send the cookies and handle the data that cookie gets it can stand up two types: Our own cookies or third-party cookies. Also, are a second classification according to the period of time that this are stock up in the browser of the customer, in this case it can address from cookies of session or cookies persistent. Finally, there are another classification with five types of cookies depend the objective: cookies technique, cookies of personalization, cookies of analysis, cookies of publicity and cookies of publicity behavioural. For more information, you can consult the Guide about the use of the cookies from the Agència Espanyola de Protecció de Dades. 

What type of cookies use this website? 

  • Cookies of analysis: those cookies that, handle by we or third person, allow quantify the number of users and, do the measuring and analysis statistical from the utilization that the users do with the offered service. For it, is analysed his navigation in our website, with the objective to improve the supply of products or services that we put in his disposition. 

This website uses Google Analytics, is a service of analytic website developed by Google, allows measure and analyse the navigation in websites. In your browser you can observe five cookies of this service: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmv y _utmz. This are own cookies, of session and of analysis. You can find more information about that and make unable the use of this cookies in this website:  

Through the analytic web we get information relative with the number of users that get into the web, number of view pages, frequency, repetition of hits, length, etc. Tis information make possible to do a better service and more appropriated for part of this website. 


  • Cookies of third-party: our website uses services of third part that allows improve the offered services. Is the case of Facebook (Lu, cuser, csm, fr, s, xs) with the objective that we can mesure the audience in the contents and offer before recommendations about the products and services in the app (It can find more information about the use of cookies of Facebook and how suppress the activity and from Google Maps, uses cookies to visualize ubications geographical, that are manage by Google ( 

Acceptance of the policy of cookies  

For the use of this web site, the user accepts expressly the treatment of the collection information in the form and with the finality that we mentioned before. As well, express know the possibility of reject the treatment of this information turn down the use of cookies by way the use of cookies by the selection the configuration appropriate to this end in his browser. However, this option of block the cookies in his browser can’t allow the full use of all functionalities of the website. 

In this mode, we show information about the policy of cookies, in the header of websites for you be conscious. Facing this information, is possible carry out the next actions: 

Hide this message. The message hides in the same page. 

Change the configuration. You can find more information about what are cookies, know the policy of cookies and modify the setting of your browser. 

How can block or remove the cookies  

You can allow, block or remove the cookies settle in his computer by the configuration of the options of the browser settle in your computer. 

If you have doubts about the policy of cookies you can get in touch in 

Navigation, security and exclusion of responsibility 

FGC don’t guarantee the absence of virus or other elements that can cause damage in the informatic systems, electronical document or file of users of this website or websites of third, we don’t take responsibility of the harm derivate of this causes. FGC don’t responsible of the bad use that can make of this website. 

This notice legal it uses only to the collect information and the borrowed services through the website of FGC. 

FGC don’t guarantee and don’t responsible of the access to the website can be interrupt or free of errors and don’t be responsible of the damage that can issue from the access and use of this website. 

Time to conservation of the pieces 

The pieces can be conserved until can be necessaries just as are collect or the determinate time by the different legal disposition. 

Legislation of application and competent court  

The end and conditions that regulate this website, like the relations can derive of the same, are protect and regulated in all of his extreme by the laws of character autonomous, state or European that be the implementation  

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