Escape the rush and experience the journey with Turistren

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Discover Catalonia on board the Turistren

Hop on board Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars, Núria Rack Railway, the Tren del Ciment, the Tren dels Llacs and the Gelida Funicular and discover Catalonia. With these unique modes of transport, you will enter a world of thrills and experiences from the moment you step aboard.

  • El tren del Ciment en ruta
    Tren del Ciment

    Located in the county of Berguedà, this century-old railway offers a 20-minute journey along 3.5 kilometres of track, through forests and stunning landscapes that enable passengers to admire the majesty of this region located on the doorstep of Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park.

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  • El tren dels llacs en un pont
    Tren dels Llacs

    This unique train allows passengers to journey through mountains and dense forests without having to set foot outside the carriage. There are two ways to enjoy this magnificent route: the Historic Train and the Panoramic Train.

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  • EltrendeNúriaRackenunavall ElCremalleradelNuriaenunvalle
    Núria Rack Railway

    The only mode of transport providing access to Vall de Núria mountain resort. With a history spanning 90 years and a length of 12.5 kilometres, the rack railway takes just 40 minutes to overcome an elevation change of 1,000 metres. A delight for the senses amidst a truly spectacular landscape.

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  • Vistad´unfuniculardeGelidapropd´uncanvidepistes VistadeunfuniculardeGelidacercadeuncambiodevías
    Gelida Funicular

    This funicular railway has been in operation for almost 100 years, and is now a tourist attraction that connects the town centre and industrial area to the train station. It currently boasts two restored period carriages, which take 6-8 minutes to complete the 884-metre route.

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  • El Cremallera de Montserrat al seu pas per un pont / El Cremallera de Montserrat pasando por un puente
    Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars

    This sustainable mode of transport, located less than an hour from Barcelona, brings visitors to one of Catalonia’s most iconic locations: Montserrat Mountain Natural Park in the county of Bages.

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  • The Granota train

    The Granota train Get on board the historic Vallès train More information

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Turistren Experiences

  • Vista del comedor del hotel con techo abovedado
    Tot Montserrat

    Make your way to Montserrat Mountain Natural Park via the Rack Railway and Sant Joan and Santa Cova Funiculars. Thanks to these sustainable modes of transport, located less than...

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  • El Funicular de Gelida
    All aboard for history!

    Visit the Gelida Funicular Visitor Centre. At the Visitor Centre, you can explore the history and evolution of the Gelida Funicular since its opening in 1924....

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  • ElsorigensdelriullobregataCastellardeN´Hug
    The power of nature

    Water is a synonym of life and prosperity, especially in Castellar de n’Hug (Berguedà), where you can admire the spectacular Llobregat River, one of Catalonia’s most important waterways....

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  • Imatge del Parc Natural de Montserrat /

    Montserrat is a very attractive mountain for climbing enthusiasts since they can find plenty of avenues open to different levels of difficulty where they can practice this exciting sport....

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  • Una sala amb pantalles il·luminades i instruments musicals al sostre /
    Interactive exhibition

    The tour takes visitors inside the monastery, where they can learn about the monks' everyday life, and then the activities that the monks carry out outside, promoting culture and...

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  • Entrada al Santuari de Montserrat /
    The Museum

    Montserrat Museum, designed by Josep Puig i Cadafalch in 1929, has six permanent collections with more than 1,300 pieces from a wide chronological period, as well as temporary exhibitions....

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  • Zona d'allotjament al Santurario de Montserrat
    Food and accommodation

    Montserrat has a wide selection of accommodations, bars and restaurants in which visitors can enjoy nature....

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  • Una noia observant una ruta pel Parc Natural de Montserrat /
    Geopark Interpretation Center and Natural Park

    Located in the Mirador de San Juan, in the upper station of the Sant Joan Funicular, this space shows the geological characteristics of the Montserrat mountain as well as...

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  • Una família en un dels trens / Una familia en uno de los trenes
    Exhibition of rolling stock

    Located in the old Monistrol-Vila station, it tells the story of the old rack railway through texts, photographs, posters and an interactive video system. ...

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  • Vista panoràmica del Parc Natural de Montserrat / Vista panorámica del Parque Natural de Montserrat
    Routes and walks

    The surroundings of the sanctuary offer the visitor a large number of itineraries to do on foot and combined with the Sant Joan and Santa Cova funiculars. ...

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Discover all the activities you shouldn't miss

Activities to enjoy in Montserrat, Vall de Ribes, Alt Berguedà, the lakes of the Pre-Pyrenees and the town of Gelida

  • Vista del comedor del hotel con techo abovedado
    Tot Montserrat

    Make your way to Montserrat Mountain Natural Park via the Rack Railway and Sant Joan and Santa Cova Funiculars. Thanks to these sustainable modes of transport, located less than...

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  • El Funicular de Gelida
    All aboard for history!

    Visit the Gelida Funicular Visitor Centre. At the Visitor Centre, you can explore the history and evolution of the Gelida Funicular since its opening in 1924....

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  • ElsorigensdelriullobregataCastellardeN´Hug
    The power of nature

    Water is a synonym of life and prosperity, especially in Castellar de n’Hug (Berguedà), where you can admire the spectacular Llobregat River, one of Catalonia’s most important waterways....

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  • Imatge del Parc Natural de Montserrat /

    Montserrat is a very attractive mountain for climbing enthusiasts since they can find plenty of avenues open to different levels of difficulty where they can practice this exciting sport....

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  • Una sala amb pantalles il·luminades i instruments musicals al sostre /
    Interactive exhibition

    The tour takes visitors inside the monastery, where they can learn about the monks' everyday life, and then the activities that the monks carry out outside, promoting culture and...

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  • Entrada al Santuari de Montserrat /
    The Museum

    Montserrat Museum, designed by Josep Puig i Cadafalch in 1929, has six permanent collections with more than 1,300 pieces from a wide chronological period, as well as temporary exhibitions....

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  • Zona d'allotjament al Santurario de Montserrat
    Food and accommodation

    Montserrat has a wide selection of accommodations, bars and restaurants in which visitors can enjoy nature....

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  • Una noia observant una ruta pel Parc Natural de Montserrat /
    Geopark Interpretation Center and Natural Park

    Located in the Mirador de San Juan, in the upper station of the Sant Joan Funicular, this space shows the geological characteristics of the Montserrat mountain as well as...

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  • Una família en un dels trens / Una familia en uno de los trenes
    Exhibition of rolling stock

    Located in the old Monistrol-Vila station, it tells the story of the old rack railway through texts, photographs, posters and an interactive video system. ...

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  • Vista panoràmica del Parc Natural de Montserrat / Vista panorámica del Parque Natural de Montserrat
    Routes and walks

    The surroundings of the sanctuary offer the visitor a large number of itineraries to do on foot and combined with the Sant Joan and Santa Cova funiculars. ...

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