Conditions of use of the Núria rack railway

  • You must purchase a valid ticket for the journey to be made, and keep it until the departure of the destination station. Passengers must present their ticket to any Vall de Núria agent who requests it. This ticket is not valid if it has been altered or tampered with, or if it is not accompanied by the identification card, if any.


  • Children under 3 can travel for free, as long as they do not take a seat. Children from 4 to 14 years old will pay a children's price, according to current rates. All children must travel by ticket.


  • Seats reserved for people with reduced mobility or other groups specified in the posters must be respected.


  • The return ticket is valid for the specified route. And for the day of use purchased.


  • At all ticket offices there is a general fare rate placed in a prominent place. The customer must make sure of what he is asking for when purchasing the ticket and check the details of this ticket as well as the accuracy of the change received.


  • Possession of a ticket does not guarantee a seat on the train. The passenger who cannot find a free seat can travel straight to the platforms or interior corridors of the cars.


  • Smoking is prohibited on trains on the Vall de Núria rack railway line as well as on the platforms and enclosed stations of the stations, according to Law 20/1985, of 25 July (DOGC number 572, of 07/08/85) , Law 10/1991, of 10 May (DOGC number 1445, of 22/05/91), and Law 39/2003, of 17 November (BOE no. 276/2003, of 18/11/03) in relation to Royal Decree-Law 1/2004, of 7 May (BOE no. 114/2004, of 11/05/04).


  • Pets are allowed free of charge. Dogs must wear a muzzle and must be fastened with a leash from the moment they enter the premises of the Rack railway. Small animals must travel in baskets or cages. In no case may they occupy a seat.


  • Dogs considered potentially dangerous by Law 10/199, of 30 July (DOGC no. 2948, of 09/08/99) may not be driven in any case by children under the age of sixteen, either on trains or at stations. In accordance with Decree 170/2002 and RD 287/2002, the person carrying them must carry the license and the certification accrediting registration in the Municipal Register, the strap must have a length of less than 2 meters and no more than one dog per person may be brought. The owner of the animal will be solely responsible, even to third parties, for any incident that may occur due to the behavior of the animal.


  • It is not allowed to ride bicycles on trains. These can only be transported in the freight car, within the circulation and schedule established for this transport, and paying the corresponding ticket according to current rates.


  • To extend a trip, the customer must get off at the next nearest station and buy the ticket for the rest of the journey at the box office.


  • Users must behave civically, correctly and respectfully with other users and employees of the Zipper. It is forbidden to ask for alms, put up posters, distribute advertising and sell on the trains or on the premises.


  • Users must follow the instructions given by the agents of the rack railway, as well as the indications of the posters and warnings placed on the trains or at the stations.


  • Users must adhere to the basic safety rules on the Rack raiwlay and station.

  • If for any reason the Coma del Clot cable car is not in service, no refund will be made, as this is a service included in the rack railway ticket, at no extra cost.


  • A complaints book is available to customers at all stations. If you wish, you may also send your suggestions or complaints to:

    - Telephone: 972 732 020

    - Web:



  1. Get on or off the trains outside the stops at the stations.
  2. Get on the trains when they are maneuvering.
  3. Pull your head and body out the car window
  4. Throw objects and rubbish out the train windows.
  5. Misuse of alarm devices.
  6. Approach the edge of the platform.
  7. Go down the tracks and cross them off the signposted steps.
  8. Access to places and premises where access is expressly prohibited.
  9. Transport flammable products and hazardous materials.


Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya declina tota responsabilitat en els accidents que puguin succeir per l’incompliment d’aquestes prescripcions.

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