Home » Experiences » The Museum Shops of Salàs de Pallars

The Museum Shops of Salàs de Pallars

A journey through time in Salàs de Pallars through its Museum Shops

Experience first hand the experience of visiting the oldest shops in the Pallars. A route through the typical streets of Pallars in one of the most charming villages in Catalonia. A unique visit that is based on the recreation of period spaces from the exhibition of everyday elements of period consumption.

Discover the Salàs Museum Shops and how they were bought before, what kind of products were used and much more!

Among the museum shops in Salàs, the following stand out:

  • Pharmacy: Travel back in time and discover how medicines were made with the different formulas they developed to reach pharmacies as we know them now.

  • Tobacconist: Enter a real tobacconist from before, where you can find a telephone exchange, post office and telegraph.

  • Overseas and Colonial Spaces: Visit this kind of old supermarket where you can find curious products and advertising spaces.

  • Haberdashery - Perfumery: Discover how it went from corset to bra in this representation of a haberdashery.

  • Kiosk: Relive your childhood in a kiosk like the ones before with 'comics', comics, chewing gum, toys...

  • Printing: How were the documents printed a few years ago? Find out first hand how they did it in the past in Salàs.

  • Coffee: A representation of the previous passage to the bars as we know them today. A space with the most representative drinks of the 50's and 60's.

  • Barber shop: In this barber shop you will be able to discover magazines, comics and newspapers of the time, perfumes and products and you will be able to discover how it was shaved in the past, with the razor technique.

Round off the experience by boarding the Tren dels Llacs and enjoy spectacular views along the way.

botigues salas home
botigues salas farmacia
botigues salas barberia


Plaça del Mercat - Salàs de Pallars (Lleida)


Guided tours from April 19 to June 30. 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

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